Finding the Right Bloggers to Promote Your Business

Using Bloggers to Promote Your Business

Getting paid to blog can be seen as selling out to many bloggers, but for others, it is a way to cover the expenses of the blog which is often a labor of love. As someone who has been reading and writing blogs for many years, I definitely see both sides of the fence. No one wants to follow a blog that includes far too many obvious commercials. Still a blogger spends a lot of time creating the blog, and it is nice to get a little monetary compensation from time to time.

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Suggested reading: Blog Marketing: The Revolutionary New Way to Increase Sales, Build Your Brand, and Get Exceptional Results

1 comment:

Bloggah said...

Yes, the product really needs to be connected with the post in some way. I remember going to an artist's blog and the artist was promoting some kind of stretchy polyester women's pants. I went, "HUH?!?"