How's Business?

"Business has been tough for many companies, but recent reports have shown that businesses may be turning the corner... The worst may be over"

How is business going for you?

Personally, I have had to adapt and adjust and even change gears and focus to survive. I am considering diversifying when I have always preached on staying focused on one core business.

What have you had to do to survive? Talk back.

1 comment:

Michelle Black said...

I started my business last July, right smack in the middle of the economic crisis. I have worked very hard trying to find the clients that have the money or the need for a hand painted mural. Murals aren't exactly a need in most cases so my clients have had to justify the cost. As today is my one year anniversary, I will have to say I am seeing the payoffs from working very hard the first year. Now, I'm planning on doubling that this year! The time is now!