Using a blog as our directory

Welcome to our new site!

The old site was getting very difficult to update regularly. This site is on Blogspot, and it's basically a blog, but it's very easy to input links and such. I hope it will serve our group members better.

A little note on the member links on the right - if the person does not have a website, the Blogspot site kind of forces me to put a URL (website address) in a field in order to put the person on the list. So I used as the URL for the people who don't have a website.

For the people who do not have a website, I have listed their phone number so we can get in touch if we need something. So, if you want to look at the member's websites, it will save you time if you know that if there is a phone number there, there's no use clicking the link - because it will bring you right back here!

The site will probably need a lot of tweaking, and I need members to regularly check and let me know if their website or info changes. I would love for members to just randomly click the links every now and then, and let me know if you find any dead (inactive) links, so I can fix them.

A major plus of using a blog as our website is that within a few months, we should get a lot more hits from search engines. Lately with the Earthlink site I had up, the best we ever did was to get 3 hits per day. That's pathetic, so I expect better things from this site.

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