Why Blog?

Three years ago, I did not know what a blog was. I heard of online journals. I even had one. But having a journal connected to a business sounded way too personal. Who would read your journal and purchase something from you?

Well times have changed. Journals have become less personal, and online business has become more personal. The result, of course was the birth of the blog. I defy you to name a large company that does not have a blog. Google has a blog. Yahoo has a blog. EBay has a blog, and within that they have bloggers who have their own blog.

But you run a small business selling hoo-haws (or whatever else you sell) why should you have a blog?

In this impersonal internet world, buyers are cautious about buying from small companies for several reasons. First it is hard to know if the business is reputable. Second, they feel no personal connection to the product of the sales person. Having a blog will bring your prospective customers closer to you emotionally which will bring them closer to you financially.

But blogging can be time consuming. Is it worth it? Yes indeed. The longer you can keep your your readers on your site, reading and searching for more information, the better the chance of them purchasing from you.

So get a blog. Attach it to your website. Write something... daily. The extra 10 minutes a day will be well worth it.


1 comment:

DD said...

I think a blog really does help my business. I have had people contact me after finding my site THROUGH my blog. The blog shows the potential client the person behind the business. I think people are less intimidated to get in touch with me, once they read about my wacky life...lol

I think the choice of WHERE you blog also matters. Blogspot is a Google product, so I've noticed that their blogs have higher rankings than blogs built elsewhere. Plus, it's so easy to do now, with the templates. There really isn't an excuse NOT to blog anymore.