This is an example of how Network Referrals Work

An interesting thing happened today on our Yahoo group. Maybe it is because Referral Networks was our topic of the day yesterday, maybe because one of our members did an excellent job.

One of our members is a hairdresser and the group has been buzzing about her. The women love her, and she does a fabulous job for a great price. Because everyone in our group who has used her is writing recommendations and reviews, the next time someone asks me about a hairdresser I will know exactly who to recommend. If she doesn't provide the services they need we still have another hairstylist in our group.

This is an example of how Network Referrals Work. This is however, the second step when using a network group. The first step is to reference the member list to see who provides good and services that you may need.


DD said...

I think what you give, you get.
There are some groups that are mainly leads groups, where people are supposed to bring in info on other people so other people in the group can work the other person's customer base. I wouldn't like the idea of being one of the customers whose data got traded. I just don't agree with that sort of thing. I don't and won't participate in groups like that.

Ahermitt said...

oh... no... I wouldn't want to be a customer whose leads got traded either, not would I give my sister wahm's my leads, but I would give my customers my sister wahm's business information...

That would make everyone happy!

DD said...

Exactly, I totally agree with you.